#69 "Creeping blackout: how we can prevent the digital disaster"

#69 "Creeping blackout: how we can prevent the digital disaster"

Interview with Dr. Fedor Ruhose, State Secretary and CIO/CDO of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate

In the latest episode of "Hope is not a strategy", the perspective is broadened because it becomes political. We dive into the topic of digitalization in administration and welcome a special guest: Dr. Fedor Ruhose, State Secretary and CIO/CDO of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate

The challenges of digital transformation

Dr Ruhose emphasizes that previous efforts have focused more on digitalization than transformation. A fundamental rethink is required to make the change truly effective. In particular, the need for a clear digitalization strategy for the administration is highlighted, which should be seamlessly integrated into an overarching strategic framework for the entire country.

Municipal strategy rethought and redesigned

Dr. Ruhose provides exciting insights into the strategy process of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, which is characterized by the broad participation of stakeholders and experts who work together to develop and implement goals. He describes why the strategy development was successful here and proudly explains the transparent implementation process.

The electrification of the administrative model

In addition, some successful digitalization projects will be presented, including tools for flood forecasting and for supporting agriculture. The discussion will also address the importance of cyber security and how Germany can position itself in this area to make digital administration more resilient to attacks.

A look at other countries: successes and lessons learned

Dr. Ruhose, co-author of the book "Schleichender Blackout: Wie wir das digitale Disaster verhindern", will contribute his expertise and shed light on the challenges that Germany faces in terms of digital infrastructure. He explains why it works in other countries and how we can learn from them.

"Creeping blackout" and fields of action

The wishes for the future range from improved communication between administrations to a simpler application process for citizens and companies. Companies are encouraged not only to make demands, but also to actively contribute to digitalization by offering reliable advice and support. Clear objectives are also needed, which are outlined in the book.

Future outlook and conclusions

Overall, it is emphasized that the digitalization of administration requires not only technological changes, but also a cultural transformation and close cooperation between various public and private stakeholders.

Listen in to find out more about the exciting discussion between Christian Underwood and Dr. Fedor Ruhose!