#73 Strategy storytelling: from reformation to successful digital transformation

#73 Strategy storytelling: from reformation to successful digital transformation

Strategy storytelling: Strategy activation in times of change - An interview with Robert Wreschniok 

Welcome to a new episode of our podcast "Hope is not a strategy". Today we have a special guest: Robert Wreschniok, CEO of the Tatin Institute for Strategy Activation. Together with Robert, we take a deep dive into the world of strategy activation and discuss how companies can use strategy storytelling can win in volatile times.


The art of strategy activation 

Robert recently published his new book "Das große Buch der Strategie" with Vahlen Verlag. It offers comprehensive insights into the world of strategy work and is a real must-have for anyone interested in strategy processes. In our podcast, Robert explains how stories and visual representations help to ensure that strategies are not only understood, but also successfully implemented.


Company stories that make a difference 

Robert emphasizes that, at its best, a successful strategy is a gripping story that a company tells about its own future. Stories have the power to move and motivate people. The strategic details, scenarios and analyses are skillfully woven into these stories. Honest self-reflection that also openly addresses negative aspects can be particularly effective. 


The power of visualization in the strategy process 

In "The Big Book of Strategy", 11 portraits of managers and those responsible for transformation and strategy development are presented. These real-life case studies show how companies overcome challenges and what role big picture representations play in this process. A big picture is more than just a graphic - it is a visual representation of a company's strategy that conveys a clear, understandable and memorable message.


Practical examples from companies 

Robert talks about a very positive big-picture effect in the telecommunications industry in which a failed brand integration was visualized. The image, which shows a construction site in a storm, motivated the team members to do better in the next merger. Such visual representations help to reflect on the past and learn from mistakes. 


Successful visual strategy work in the SME sector 

Not only large corporations benefit from this method. Medium-sized companies can also benefit from visual strategy work to better engage and motivate their employees. Family-run companies, for example, can use their unique history and identity to inspire their employees and successfully implement the corporate strategy.


Ea 100% content-driven approach

Robert explains that the development of a Big Picture is completely content-driven. Intensive interviews and analysis are used to create a detailed heat analysis that shows where there are similarities and differences within the company. These results are incorporated into the design of the Big Picture, which serves as a visual map and presents the strategic messages clearly and comprehensibly. 


The future of strategy work 

In conclusion, Robert emphasizes that strategy work is constantly changing. Methods and tools need to evolve to meet the increasing demands and complexity. The Tatin Institute for Strategy Activation relies on innovative approaches to support companies in successfully implementing their strategies.



"The Big Book of Strategy" by Robert Wreschniok is not only a visual highlight, but also a valuable tool for strategy work in companies. Through the combination of stories and visual representations the strategy becomes tangible and understandable, which is crucial for success. Whether large companies or SMEs - the principles of strategy activation can be applied everywhere.

Listen to the full episode of our podcast to find out more about the fascinating world of strategy activation to learn more.



StrategyFrame® ACADEMY

Robert Wreschniok

The big book of strategy 

Podcast episode #55 How implementation succeeds with strategy activation 

Prof. Jürgen Weigand 

Christian Underwood 


Podcast "Hope is not a strategy" 

Book "Hope is not a strategy"