#88 Why do over 60% of companies fail to implement their strategy?

#88 Why do over 60% of companies fail to implement their strategy?

Role reversal in the podcast: Kevin Meyer asks, Christian Underwood answers

Strategy is a much-discussed topic - but what questions really concern entrepreneurs? In this special podcast episode, we have reversed the format: instead of asking the questions himself, this time Christian Underwood takes a seat on the other side of the microphone. Kevin Meyer, marketing expert and coach, has collected the most frequently asked community questions and asks Christian - directly, honestly and to the point.

Strategy is knowing what not to do

"Strategy is not just knowing what you should do - but above all what you shouldn't do," explains Christian Underwood. A guiding principle from Michael Porter that gets to the heart of strategic work. Companies often lose focus because they pursue too many initiatives in parallel. Successful companies, on the other hand, set clear priorities, eliminate unnecessary measures and focus their resources in a targeted manner.

The three big drivers of strategic change

Why do companies bother with strategy at all? Christian Underwood names three main reasons:

  • Economic pressure: Companies feel that their previous business models no longer work and are looking for new ways to remain competitive.
  • Lack of perspective for employees: If employees do not understand the strategy or do not see a clear direction, motivation and cooperation suffer.
  • From "Good to Great": Companies that are already successful but need to plan the next big growth step and align their structures accordingly.

Strategy is therefore not only crisis management, but also an instrument for achieving ambitious goals.

Analysis as a basis: the truth is in the figures

Before a strategy is defined, a sound analysis is crucial. Christian Underwood reports on companies that are gaining complete transparency about their market opportunities, customer structure and revenue sources for the first time. It often turns out that a large proportion of turnover comes from a small customer group, while many other segments barely contribute to profits. Such findings help to set specific priorities.

Workshops as the key to strategy development

In the podcast, Christian Underwood describes the typical strategy process: from planning and analysis to focused workshops. The involvement of the team plays a central role here. "Strategy is not a top-down project - it thrives on participation and acceptance within the company," he emphasizes. The workshops not only define goals, but also develop concrete measures for implementation.

Strategy communication: the decisive success factor

A common problem: many companies develop strategies but fail to implement them. The key lies in internal communication. According to Christian Underwood, it is not enough to present the strategy once in a meeting. Companies must regularly discuss progress, make successes visible and ensure implementation through clear responsibilities.

From plan to reality: why implementation often fails

Studies show that the majority of strategies are not implemented successfully. Christian Underwood explains that this is often due to a lack of discipline, a lack of clarity or political resistance within companies. His advice: strategy must not be a one-off event, but must be continuously reviewed and adapted. "It's about establishing a strategic routine - similar to sport. Only those who train regularly stay fit."

Conclusion: Strategy as a continuous process

Whether crisis or growth: a good strategy helps companies to position themselves clearly, make the right decisions and remain successful in the long term. In this podcast episode, Christian Underwood shows how to efficiently design and implement strategy processes. 🚀 Listen in now and discover how strategy really works!



Christian Underwood

Kevin Meyer


Strategy Summit 2025 

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