#94 Digital control for your project portfolio management

#94 Digital control for your project portfolio management

#SHIFTHAPPENS - but where is your project portfolio heading?

In times of constant change and growing complexity, it is not only good ideas that determine the success of a company - but above all the ability to implement them effectively. This is exactly what strategy expert Christian Underwood talks about in the latest episode of "Hope is not a strategy" with Dr. Jonas Steeger, founder of Nordantech, co-developer of the Falcon software and author of the #SHIFTHAPPENS study. The insight: transformation rarely fails because of the strategy - but because of its implementation.

Between aspiration and reality: the gap in the project portfolio

Many companies formulate ambitious strategies, define large programs - and then get lost in a multitude of projects that are neither clearly prioritized nor measurably contribute to the strategic goals. Looking at the #SHIFTHAPPENS study, it becomes clear that there is a worrying gap between what managers consider necessary and what is actually implemented. This gap is not just an organizational issue, but above all a strategic problem.

Project portfolio management as the key to implementation strength

Only targeted project portfolio management makes it possible to see which initiatives are really relevant, where resources are tied up - and which measures contribute to the big picture. Well-designed project portfolio management not only creates transparency, but also decision-making security. It helps managers to reduce complexity, set clear priorities and systematically manage impact. This is precisely where modern tools such as Falcon from Nordantech come in - not just as a reporting instrument, but as a control center for transformation.

PMO as enabler - not as project police

Another topic of discussion: the often underestimated role of the Project Management Office (PMO). Instead of acting purely as a supervisory body, the PMO should act as an enabler - as an interface between strategy and implementation. In many companies, however, this role is either understaffed or incorrectly anchored in the organization. As a result, projects run side by side, resources are wasted and there is a lack of strategic focus.

Strategy requires the courage to make decisions.

Project portfolio management also means making uncomfortable decisions: Stopping projects, reallocating resources, creating focus. But this is precisely where the key to success lies. As Jonas Steeger emphasizes: "Transformation is not a sure-fire success - it needs leadership, clarity and consistency."

#SHIFTHAPPENS - but impact needs structure

This podcast episode provides valuable inspiration for anyone who not only wants to think strategically, but also act effectively - from C-level to strategy departments and project managers. It shows how you can not only manage your own project portfolio, but also steer it in a targeted manner to achieve real impact. 🎧 Listen in now



Jonas Steeger

Christian Underwood

Strategy Summit 2025 

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