#74 How family offices achieve strategic management and portfolio value growth

#74 How family offices achieve strategic management and portfolio value growth


Insights from the new strategy podcast episode with Christian Underwood 

In the latest knowledge episode of our strategy podcast "Hope is not a strategy", strategy expert Christian Underwood provides valuable insights into the world of family offices. This episode is aimed at investors, supervisory boards and portfolio managers who are faced with the challenge of strategically controlling their investments, optimizing portfolio management and keeping an eye on the value appreciation of their investments.  


Challenges in the strategic management of family offices 

Christian Underwood explains that many family offices and their managers are confronted with similar problems. There is often a lack of a clear framework and methodology to centrally manage the strategic goals and projects of all investments. Without a central strategy platform and clear visualizations, the management of investments quickly becomes confusing and inefficient. 

Solution approaches 

StrategyFrame® offers a structured approach to efficiently manage all investments and their projects. This strategy method enables central control and visualization of strategic processes, which leads to a significant improvement in overview and efficiency. Christian explains how even experienced portfolio managers can benefit from this approach to keep all their strategic processes even better under control and always stay on track - without the usual PowerPoint and Excel battles. In the StrategyFrame Online Academy, portfolio managers can also gain further insights and deepen their strategic knowledge. The Academy offers various online courses on topics such as strategy development, target management, transformation, strategy communication, strategy routines and much more.

The road to success: strategic maturity and pilot projects 

The first step on the way to efficient strategic management is to determine the strategic maturity level of investment management. This is followed by a pilot project with one of the investment projects. The strategy process can then be learned through self-study at the Strategy Academy and what has been learned can be rolled out to the entire portfolio. The aim is to ultimately enable the management team in the respective companies to implement the strategy independently.

Market intelligence and OKR tracking 

Another important aspect is the permanent monitoring of market changes and potential for each portfolio company. Connected tools such as market intelligence and OKR tracking ensure that all targets and projects are kept under control and that there is a regular, effective exchange of information on strategic progress with the portfolio companies.


With clear methods and central platforms such as the StrategyFrame and the StrategyFrame®Room, family offices can significantly improve their strategic processes. It's worth listening to the latest episode of the Strategy Podcast to find out more about how investments can be managed more efficiently and successfully.

Arrange a consultation now and discover how you can achieve your strategic goals and successfully manage your investments. 



Book an introductory meeting
StrategyFrame® ACADEMY
Christian Underwood
Prof. Jürgen Weigand
Podcast "Hope is not a strategy"
Book "Hope is not a strategy"