#72 The human factor: strategy coaching in digital times

#72 The human factor: strategy coaching in digital times

Experts PanelTalk live from the StrategySummit 2024

At our StrategySummit 2024 in Düsseldorf, Jürgen had the opportunity to interview three outstanding experts in the field of leadership and strategy coaching:  

  • Lina Maria Pietras, founder of purposehub and internationally renowned keynote speaker,  
  • Matthias Schmitz, entrepreneur and initiator of strategy culture, 
  • Dr. Marc Sniukas, also an entrepreneur and experienced StrategyAdvisor.  

Together, they discussed the topic "The human factor - what role strategy coaching plays in digital times". 


Digitalization, AI & the role of humans 

The experts discussed the opportunities offered by digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) and how these technologies can relieve people of monotonous and inhumane tasks. This creates space for creative and conceptual work, which can solve problems that make life more humane. Despite the technical support, the decision-making authority remains with the human being, who is the driver of creativity and the recognition of individual needs and is crucial for the company's development. 


Strategy needs leadership - What is leadership coaching? 

A central point of the discussion is the importance of leadership coaching in the strategy process. It is about guiding managers through the entire strategy process, presenting tools that work and promoting a partnership-based exchange between coach and CEO or management team. Particular emphasis is placed on the key role of the CEO's personal needs and self-management. A good coach helps to create a working environment in which employees are happy to take on responsibility and can develop positively. 


New work and working from home: effects on corporate culture 

Another hotly debated topic is the new culture of new work and working from home and its influence on business success. Can a team spirit also be created digitally? The experts agree that technology does not cause teams to become estranged, but that it depends on the right motivation and affiliation of the team members. Visions, values and a clear purpose are crucial to promoting a strong team culture, regardless of whether the collaboration takes place physically or virtually. 


Finding the right strategy coach 

Finally, the experts give valuable tips on how you can find the right strategy coach yourself. A shared understanding of strategy and expectations is crucial. A qualified coach should be certified and able to understand both the person and the system and support the process. A good coach brings openness and does not give ready-made solutions, but works closely with the leadership team to achieve the best sustainable results. 



StrategyFrame® ACADEMY 


LinaMaria Pietras

Dr. Marc Sniukas

Matthias Schmitz

Prof. Jürgen Weigand

Christian Underwood


Podcast "Hope is not a strategy"

Book "Hope is not a strategy"