Strategy Podcast
Hope is not a strategy
The leading podcast for strategy makers

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Do you also know this from your company
Your competitors are galloping away in terms of profitability, market share, digitization and sustainability. There is no clear strategy. Different divisions and units have contradictory strategies. Not all employees know the strategy and believe in its success. There are 1,000 and one strategic projects, but no one knows how they contribute to the strategy. Besides the daily operational business, there are simply no resources and routines to properly take care of the strategic work.
Then you are exactly right here
Because in this podcast we want to debunk the myth of strategy and at the same time show how you can win with strategic work in volatile times. Success is no coincidence. For a company to be successful in the market, it needs a strategic foundation for its core business and room for new things. But how do you manage to develop strategies that can survive in the long term? What hurdles and reservations must be overcome?
English episodes